The 20th Annual ASK 5k & Fun Walk will be on May 3, 2025 at The Diamond. Register now!
The best part is it’s all to help support our community’s children who have been diagnosed with cancer, the survivors and the families of those who have passed.
Event Schedule:
Online registration will close Wednesday, April 30th at 11:59pm.
Early Packet Pick-Up: Friday, May 2nd
- 12pm to 7pm
- ASK Office: 5211 W. Broad Street, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23230
- Walk-up registration available
Race Day: Saturday, May 3rd
- 8:00am – Registration & Packet Pick-Up Opens + Pre-Race Tailgate Begins!
- 8:45am – Kid’s Donut Dash
- 9:00am – Announcements + Awards Ceremony
- 9:30am – 5K Starts
- 10:00am – Concourse Post-Race Festival Starts
- 10:45am – Top Finisher Awards
- 11:00am – Moment of Remembrance & Kourageous Kids Victory Lap
Virtual 5K participants can run/walk/bike their 5K route any time. Be sure to share on social media with #MoreThanAWalk!
Pre-Race Tailgate & Post-Race Festival:
Arrive early to join us for the Pre-Race Tailgate! We’ll have games, activities, some of your favorite characters, music and a spirit station to get you ready for your 3.1 mile run/walk. The celebration starts at 8:00am!
The Kid’s Donut Dash will start at 8:45am and will include two waves: 5 & under and 6-10. Challenge your munchkin to take on this 50yd sprint to earn a tasty treat: Participants will receive a Donut Dash medal and a donut!
An awards ceremony will follow at 9:00am recognizing Top Fundraising Teams and Individuals as well as the award for Largest Team and Most Team Spirit.
The celebration continues at the post-race festival on the concourse, featuring upbeat music, finisher food and activities for the kids. Don’t miss the awards for the top 5K finishers, the moment of remembrance and cheering on our ASK Kourageous Kids during their inspiring victory lap.
Richmond Flying Squirrels Stadium