Richmond has several local venues to enhance learning, many of which offer hands-on, dynamic, and memorable experiences.

Photo credit: Richland’s Dairy Farm
Family Field Trips in Richmond, Virginia
1. Taylor Made Chocolate:
See how chocolate is made from cocoa beans in this chocolate factory in Chester. A brief video serves as the intro, and the tour concludes with chocolate tasting. Each tour is 30-45 minutes.
2. Richland’s Dairy Farm:
A hayride, cow feed sensory station and milking parlor are just a few things visitors can experience during their dairy farm tour. For an additional cost, add on a bagged lunch at the farm as well as ½ scoop of ice cream.
3. Magnolia Grange:

Magnolia Grange. Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
Travel back to the 1800s at Chesterfield County’s finest federalist style plantation. Offering programs on various Saturdays, there are both craft programs and historical lectures. Admission is FREE.
4. The Valentine Museum:

Valentine Museum Wickham House. Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
Learn about Richmond’s history right in the heart of downtown! Groups of 14 people or less, can participate in their own pod program. Program choices include Eye-Spy in the Wickham House, several walking tours and more.
5. U.S. Army Women’s Museum:
Learn about women’s contributions to the U.S. Army from the American Revolution to present at this museum. The museum has galleries and activities for all ages. To set up a field trip, email or call the museum.
Take time to enjoy a family field trip right here in Richmond! We are fortunate to have such a variety of places to enrich learning experiences!
Get more field trip ideas in these posts focusing on more Richmond-area attractions and museums.
⭐️ Related post: Connect, Engage, Exercise and Explore at The Mariners’ Museum and Park
⭐️ Related post: Celebrating Indigenous Culture in the Richmond area
— By Lindsay Garrison
Richmond on the Cheap publisher Lindsay Garrison is a Richmond, Virginia based mom to two young children. A graduate from Chesterfield Schools and Randolph-Macon College, Lindsay is proud to call Richmond home. In the years prior to planning activities and outings with her own children, she was a French teacher. During her tenure she earned accolades for her creative teaching style and ability to connect with her students. Lindsay now applies the skills she learned when she was planning student trips to France, to her own family adventures. She can’t wait to take her own children to France one day! Follow the Garrison’s family adventures on Instagram: @rva.familyfun
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