Kings Dominion WinterFest could NOT be more inviting! From the moment you exit your vehicle, you are greeted with a massive, light-changing Christmas tree and holiday music. For our family, this created the perfect intro to our memorable evening! And, I must mention the staff…I can’t even call them staff…these employees were just happy helpers. At every turn, they were accommodating, kind and helpful.

Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
If you are a family that has a holiday activity bucket list, you are going to LOVE how KD provides so many options for wintry family fun. We started by decorating cookies next to the one and only, the wife of my kiddo’s favorite person, Mrs. Claus! While this activity is not included with regular admission, I recommend it! Your party will decorate 4 large cookies.
We explored Snoopy Planet, which is typically the area where we spend the most time. While we did a few rides, we really enjoyed the offerings unique to WinterFest! My children loved the live show: Tinker’s Toy Factory. The singing and dancing “elves” and Santa were outstanding! Less than an hour and appropriate for all ages, this was ideal for us! There are several live shows. Check the website before you visit so you can find the best one for you!

Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
Also, in Snoopy Planet is Sally’s Christmas Crafts, where children can choose a craft and create it with materials supplied at each table. There are lots of crafts to choose from, and somehow my children both chose a mug! An adorable souvenir for sure!

Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
And, can’t forget to run through Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree Lot! We tried finding the perfect tree for Charlie, and ended up seeing Linus, too!

Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
Next up, ice skating at SnowFlake Lake! Again, this is not included with the basic admission ticket, but we had a great time. I think it shaped our outing, because the kids tried something new and everyone around us was very uplifting, especially the staff on the ice. For young children, they can push a small trainer in front of them for added support. For the youngest skaters, they can actually ride on it, while an adult pushes them.

Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
The skate rink allows you to clearly see the stunning Christmas tree (formerly the Eiffel Tower!), and you get to listen to holiday music the whole time!

Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
We concluded our amazing winter evening with serenades from a live band, meeting elves, Scrooge and his ghosts and several more festive characters! All of this is in front of the stage area…along with the part that my kiddos loved SNOW much! Yes, there is snow throughout the park! This magical event is absolutely a new tradition for our family! Now…if I could just get my kids to clean this icing off themsELVES!

Band at Kings Dominion Winterfest. Photo credit: Lindsay Garrison
Note: The parade, which is new this year, did not work out for us. My kids were zonked, and we had to leave in order to avoid major public meltdowns, but based on the characters, staff and atmosphere, I can say, I am certain it is a fantastic parade.
— By Lindsay Garrison
Richmond on the Cheap publisher Lindsay Garrison is a Richmond, Virginia based mom to two young children. A graduate from Chesterfield Schools and Randolph-Macon College, Lindsay is proud to call Richmond home. In the years prior to planning activities and outings with her own children, she was a French teacher. During her tenure she earned accolades for her creative teaching style and ability to connect with her students. Lindsay now applies the skills she learned when she was planning student trips to France, to her own family adventures. She can’t wait to take her own children to France one day! Follow the Garrison’s family adventures on Instagram: @rva.familyfun
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