Looking for something interesting for your teens and tweens to add enrichment to their lives? There are many virtual and in-person classes out there – from art classes to art therapy, dance to yoga, music to languages, and much more. Some are in person. Most of these options listed below are local businesses but some are from further afield. Many are accessible with the help of a dependable internet connection and a device to connect with. Some classes are low cost or free. Others are offered at the going rate for professionals. Many of these sites gladly offer their services to adults as well.
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Visual Arts Center of Richmond’s is offering winter mini classes for kids and adults. Check the Visual Arts Center’s website to browse the digital catalog of on-site + online classes for adults, teens and families: https://www.visarts.org/classes-camps/adult-classes/ Photo credit: Visual Arts Center/Facebook
Virtual and in person classes for teens and tweens:
•Art Factory – https://artfactoryva.com/
•ChessRVA is having ongoing online chess and board game classes.
•Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen from ceramics to photography, painting to fiber arts
•Grace arts virtual dance classes
•Hattheater drama classes year round
•Healing Sounds, LLC offers virtual music classes for piano, voice, guitar, violin and ukulele. The team of board certified music therapists specializes in music and art classes for self expression for tweens.
•J’Adore Dance studio
•Lingo Bus offers Mandarin with a Chinese teachers.
Be sure to subscribe to email updates, follow @rvacheap on Twitter or like RVA (Richmond) on the Cheap on Facebook to stay in the know about the latest freebies & deals.
•Melody Magic Music Studio for music instruction including Ukulele, singing classes, private lessons.
•Oakwood Arts – fun art activity prompts for K-5 and teens as long as you have some art supplies around!
•Outschool – has so many awesome classes!
•Panda Tree for online Spanish (or Chinese) lessons
•Perkinson Center for the Arts & Education, 11810 Centre Street | Chester, Virginia
•The Podium Foundation gives Richmond high school students the opportunity to explore their passion for the literary arts while improving upon essential writing and communication skills is offering FREE virtual programs. Podium Online Journal at www.podium-online.org.
•Kids can register for a variety of Richmond Symphony School of Music courses happening in July, including composition, jazz music history, chamber music, and more. Register Now: richmondsymphonysom.com/classes/
•Richmond Young Writers offers classes year round. Being online means your favorite cousin in Alabama or a far-flung old friend in Colorado can take a class too.
•Romp n. Roll classes at their West End and Midlothian locations
•Virginia Folklife Program’s Teachers of Remote Arts Instruction Network (TRAIN) connects interested students of all skill levels with a diverse range of master musicians, craftspeople, and tradition bearers throughout Virginia, offering online instructional opportunities – from fiddle to concertina, guitar to piano, drums to visual arts, singing to flute, dance to Tex Mex accordion.
•Join SPARC to engage in performing arts education through productions, summer camps, community outreach programs, and classes.
•Visual Arts Center -Offers online classes and a summer camp for all ages from drawing, to fiber art, animation to photography and more
•Yoga Joy – Live Tween Yoga on Thursdays
See more virtual resources and resources for kids in Richmond and beyond.
If you hear of virtual classes for tweens and teens to include in this list email: news@rvaonthecheap.com
Be sure to subscribe to email updates, follow @rvacheap on Twitter or like RVA (Richmond) on the Cheap on Facebook to stay in the know about the latest freebies & deals.
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