Secondhand shopping has become a popular practice for people to find their own style in clothing, furniture, jewelry, and so much more. Not only is it a way to save money, but thrifting is also an environmentally friendly shopping choice. In Richmond, there is a plethora of thrift and vintage stores to visit, here are a few local places to check out for summer items and fair prices. Days and hours of operation vary.
Where to Thrift in Richmond
Blue Bones Vintage
310 North Laurel Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220

Photo credit: Blue Bones / Facebook
Blue Bones is a small shop around the Virginia Commonwealth University campus. The name of the store says it all, there is a cohesive blue theme inside and out with retro inspiration.
Blue Bones offers an assortment of dresses to choose from, convenient for the summer heat. There are three clothing racks in the back, beside the cash register, full of diverse types of dresses to look through.
Tops of all unique styles line the left side of the shop. There are T-shirts, tank tops, crop tops, and vests to name a few. Multiple shapes and textures of shorts can be found at Blue Bones as well.
Blue Bones is not a store where athletic styles of clothing will be sold. In the back, there is a section where one can browse through vinyl records and knickknacks for sale. In front of the store there is usually a bucket or rack of clothes to be found, with each item being sold at the price of four dollars.
3010 West Cary St, Richmond, Virginia 23221

Photo credit: Ashby / Facebook
Located in the middle of Carytown, Ashby is the perfect store to visit while exploring the area. The interior has a bohemian and rustic feel due to the wooden floor and fixtures, with charming decorations like cruiser bikes and a velvet green couch. Ashby is always packed with assortments of clothing, jewelry, and shoes to look at.
This is a store to find the latest trends for summer attire. Sold at Ashby is a manifold of lightweight tops and bottoms to keep the person wearing them comfortable in the heat. Swimsuits are sold here, in great condition, for any person searching.
There are more items spread around the store like sunglasses, hair clips, scrunchies, and a shoe section with sandals. Labelled in store are specific sale items, and periodically there will be larger category sale promotions.
Also found here is a big tub filled with different pieces that can be bought for two dollars by the pound.
The Clothes Rack
2618 West Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220

Photo credit: Ashleigh Nail
Also found in Carytown is The Clothes Rack, your typical secondhand store setup. It is neutrally colored and decorated, but with a lot to offer. Racks and rounders loaded with clothes make the open floorplan look filled.
There is a limited supply of swimsuits here, stock could increase depending on donations. But this store does have plenty of clothing for the season to pick from, shoppers can find an assortment of pieces to fit their own personal style. Any type of shorts, to skirts, to dresses, and finally to shirts will be found at The Clothes Rack for decent prices.
Here you can buy more than just items to wear; on the back wall are books as well as other abundant household items. A newly created feature is a three dollars clothing rounder, and each day of the week there is a sale on specific-colored tags. Additionally, certain days offer discounts to groups of people (teachers, senior citizens, etc.), identification may be needed.
– By Ashleigh Nail
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